New ChaosNation20xNoWipe ASA CROSSPLAY

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New ChaosNation20xNoWipe ASA CROSSPLAY

*Hi Gamers, I want to invite you on our Ark ASA Server for crossplay,*

*NEW 06.01.2024*

*Server Name: ChaosNation20xNoWipe*

*PVP Server*

*NoWipe Server*

*Friendly and Active Admin (no Play)*

*Fair and impartial server admins [NO abuse]*

*We do NOT wipe servers, so your progression is always safe*

*Server Rates mainly 20x with boosted breeding*

*Boosted Player Health and Weight and Crafting*

*Boosted Dino Weight*

*Max Dino LVL 150*

*Max Player LVL 105*

*Tribe limit 8*

*Custom Drops*
*Custom Stacks*
*Flame Arrow Mod*
*Whip Mod*
*Egg Incubator Mod*
*Winter Wonderland Mod*
*Super Spyglass Mod*
*Admin Panel Mod*
*Solo Farm Mod*

*Admin Events and more*

*For more information Join our Discord*

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Hinweis zur Messung: Ein Server wird als "offline" markiert, wenn er bei zwei Prüfungen nicht erreichbar war - zwei Prüfungen entsprechen min. 40 Minuten.

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