15/01 MaNiAc PVP x10 Season 1 /6man/cluster/NPP/Kits&shop[Rag]

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New Wipe date is 15.01.2021

20:00 UTC time



- Type /Suicide in chat for suicide
- Type /fill for fill turrets
- Type /turrets for settings
- Max player level: 105 + Ascension Levels
(Unlock All Normal Tek At level 125) 
- Max wild dino level: 150 ( Wyvern 190) (TEK Dinos 180)
- Tamed dinos +100 levels
- Flyers speed (Ptera 165% Tape 150% Argy 160% Wyvern 130% Quetz 230% Griffin 138%)
- Cave dmg x6
- Not Fully Looted Beaver Dams Despawn After 30s
- Custom Drops (White Beacon Tributes / White Double Beacon Artifacts)
- Quality Drops 1.5
- Saddle Armour Clamp = 185%/148%/105%
- Weapon Damage Clamp = 400% 
- Flamethrower Debuff Nerfed 50%
- Armour Max Durability Clamp = 1020
- Turret limit 250
- Structure limit 10000 (Max 3 Arkomatic Fabricator and Chembench) 
- You Can Transfer Artifacts & Boss Tributes /upload /download
- Cannon damage to structures is disabled
- Giga, Rock Elemental, Gasbags, Griffin, Crystal Wyvern and Reapers cannot be tamed the first 48h after wipe start
- Desert Titan, Forest Titan and Ice Titan taming is disabled the first week
- Titan transfer from Extinction is disabled
- Raft and Motorboat disabled
- Tropeognathus nerfed dmg
- Magmasaur nerfed resistance
- Mana´s Disabled
- Wyvern HP add cap 30 levels
- Extinction element outcome is nerfed
- Rock Drake Tek Saddle Disabled
- Nanny imprint 100%
- Faster mating speed 0.12
- Tribe limit: 6
- Alliance disabled, Verbal ally is ok, check rules for this
- x10 Experience
- x10 Harvesting
- x10 Taming
- x25 Egg hatching
- x25 Breeding,Mature
- Unlimited mindwipes


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Hinweis zur Messung: Ein Server wird als "offline" markiert, wenn er bei zwei Prüfungen nicht erreichbar war - zwei Prüfungen entsprechen min. 40 Minuten.

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